Olga Gutovska, managing partner of the firm, believes in possibility of nurturing values of legal idealism in non-legal environments and shares an opinion on how human interaction can be improved in an ideallistic XXI century, Legal idealism as a system of beliefs, ideas and values can also be adapted not only to human interaction, but to education, governance, management and commercial processes.
Legal Idealism in XXI Century - Human Interaction
Despite some lucky human beings in certain parts of Earth can still enjoy peaceful solitaire life, most of us here in London are forced to interact with others every day. One might argue we can always lock ourselves in a shadowy room of our beautiful house and stay there, surrounded by books, movies and digital enjoyments of Internet. Well, this article is certainly not for those who'd do that. We, business people, professionals, workers, artists, politicians and socialitee, go out every day or almost every. We even often have someone at home -- a loving parent, spouse or friend, helpful assistant or a moody distant relative. We leave them home and face hundreds, thousands of people outside.Ages of correspondence passed, and we are exposed to even bigger audience - your WhatsApp, wechat and email bring other people to your physical life. How do we manage this overwhelming flow? Can we be all be nice, correlate our beliefs and characters, can we find the way to mutually benefit from interaction with every member of our life? What if someone does not fit into the system of your beliefs at all? Some arrogant chap spoiling your day with inappropriate comments, happened? Some unwanted message affecting the happiness of the day? We can't protect ourselves of those. Inevitability of interaction, wanted or unwanted one, will come. I have seen people hiring dozens of security and assistants to avoid that; I have seen people turning Internet off their phones and deleting social media accounts; I have seen people doing business from remote islands of Greece or Tai beaches. All that is doubtfully an answer if we want to live a colorful, full life. Establishing firm values, being open to people and actually liking people might be much easier. I can't agree with those who'd tell you can't like everyone. Perhaps you can't like everyone as a personality, professional or parent, but you certainly can like everyone as a human being. I feel it is a duty which the legal profession puts on us as well. It makes me so upset to hear how many kinds of people other people do not like. They keep telling they don't like accountants, for example, or doctors. Other say they don't like immigrants, city clerks, businessmen or villagers. Beautiful women are also frequently disliked, more only successful women, I think. So overwhelmingly people dislike republicans, democrats, liberals or tories. Recently someone told me he does not like those who keep cats. I was constantly trying to understand. Professions - right, it's all because of high bills, sometimes arrogant behavior, white shirts and manicured hands. People of some origin - just because of they-are-different-from-us beliefs. Political parties and religions - understood. But those who keep cats? Is it rational at all?Unfortunately, most of the people are not rational, and all of us are irrational at certain times. Memories associated with particular people wrongfully create dislikes for groups of people. Instead of understanding that the very exact human being at some point injured, annoyed or misbehaved somehow differently, is no reason to create an unhealthy judgment upon a group. In a world where we interact with so many different people it must be very unhappy to live. Seeing everyone's good side, presuming everyone's good nature and being open is much more pleasurable. Behaviors must be judged, not people. Unfortunately someone long time ago made up nouns to describe people and made it normal to use them instead of verbs and adjectives. Now we interact not with "someone who teaches", but simply a teacher. Not with "someone from Belgium", but a Belgian. In eternal desire to cut, simplify, make it easier and shorter, we forget that "someone", a human being, is too complex by nature to define in one other word than Human. We are all made of a number of features given from God - gender, origin, family, place of birth, eye color, talents and certain type of smile. United Nations agreed more than half a century ago it is not a reason for us to treat anyone differently.Some features were given us by parents and schooling, by ideology or lack of ideology of the country we grew up in, by our social circle, evening news we watched in childhood and toys we played with. We were shaped by books we read or by the fact we did not read any. Some part of us was built by our work and business. It equally creates some part of us if we are not in any work at all. This complexity of everyone we face on streets of London every day. Not only a builder, but a tall white man with strong hands, who was born in Poland, lived in Italy, father of three, Liverpool supporter, obtained first degree in economics, catholic, who likes dogs and gardening, just walked by. Not only a boss of PR company, but a 50-year old woman, never shuts down her phone, born in Italy, lived in 20 countries around the world, visits her grandmother every month. People are too complex to be defined by only one feature, and certainly , in general, too good overall to be disliked just because of one. That is why people love so much to be called by name - it only defines them, and them exactly, in full, together with their characters, beliefs, experiences, dreams and plans, their profession, social standing and background. When interacting with other human beings, it is important to keep in mind that everyone deserves our smile - and a behavior, not origin, profession or look shall be a reason to adjust our behavior. A world of positive interaction creates better results and happier environments. London is too big for everyone to interact perfectly, but we do have an examples. Happy homes, happy offices. Where you enter and feel the light and energy. They are places where people bring their best to others while interacting, and do not have the habit of disliking anyone. Everyday life is easier and brighter if we smile more, make genuine friends and try to be our best selves with others. Good things lead to other good things, and maybe someday we will create a world where everyone will be happy to interact with each other. Liking people is crucial to human interaction. Other humans will feel if the interaction is artificial and get upset, or if they do not feel, they might get to know later and get upset anyway. If we interact with others with good intent, with a preposition that we like them, it is also very likely that humans will want to be that someone you'd like, and bring their best self to the world. As lawyers, we must nurture the best in people and us every day, polishing virtues and ideals, trying to make the perfect world of laws the one outside our window. I must warn you, me dear friends, that many would laugh at you and some would definitely hurt, who do not want happiness in everyday human interaction. But that's a very low price to pay, if I may say.